
Monday, May 12, 2014

How to make green bean dumplings .

Dumplings are typical Javanese cakes made ​​from rice flour mixture kentan and regular rice flour , which also filled with green bean paste on the skin and in garnished with sesame seeds . Dumplings cake is the traditional cake is approaching rare . Because so few people who can make it . If you want to preserve the snack cake dumplings is just learning to make dumplings recipe below

How to make dumplings filled with mung bean
How to make dumplings contents pea consists of three stages . The first way to make green bean paste to be used as the content . The second way to make dough skin . Finishing third . Here are the steps in the stages of how to make dumplings filled with mung bean .

How to make green bean paste
Materials green bean paste

    green beans 250 g skinless
    salt 1/2 tsp
    sugar 100 g
    Vanilla powder 1/4sdt

How to make green bean paste

    Soak mung beans for 4 hours . Then wash thoroughly .
    Steam the green beans until tender .
    While still hot mash until smooth . Combine sugar , salt and Vanilla and mix well
    Create a sphere round - adjusted to the size of the dumplings will be made

2 . How to make dumplings skin green beans
Leather green pea dumplings

    500 g glutinous rice flour
    rice flour 75 g
    250g granulated sugar
    150ml warm water
    1 tsp salt
    vanilla powder 1/2 tsp

How to make dumplings skin

    Mix the rice flour , glutinous rice flour , salt , and vanilla powder and mix well.
    Pour hot water into the flour mixture little by little and stir until the dough can be dipulung .
    Take the dough as much as 2 tablespoons flour , then flatten on hand to make the basin .
    Fill the basin with green bean dough , cover the dough and shape into a round back like balls .

3 . Stage late or finishing Onde - onde
How to make green bean?

    sesame 200 g
    oil for frying

How to fried dumplings?
    grab balls dumplings , dip in cold water
    roll balls dumplings that have been wet over sesame sesame seeds stick to the surface around the balls dumplings
    Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat
    input balls dumplings that have been decorated sesame , fried to float and yellowish
    remove and drain . Serve when warm

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